Selected Articles/Reports
- "Trading Towards Tomorrow: The Design Metrics of a UAE Carbon Market" Anwar Gargash Diplomatic Academy (2024)
- "Repositioning Egypt as a Global Green Hydrogen Leader" Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (2023)
- Beyond Green Pledges:: Saudi Arabia and Society Centered Climate Reforms Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (2023)
- "What's At Stake in the Massive China-Qatar Gas Deal" Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (2023)
- "COP 27 or COP Out27?" Diwan: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (2022)
- "Best Friends Forever? The NOPEC Bill and and US-OPEC Relations in the 21st Century" Al Jazeera Centre for Studies
- "Crossing the Rubicon: Qatar's Journey to Natural Gas Dominance" Al Jazeera Centre for Studies (2021)
- "Developing a Green Economy in Saudi Arabia" Petroleum Economist (Jan. 4, 2019)
- In Search of Sustainable Development: Economic, Environmental and Social Achievement Challenges Facing the United Arab Emirates in (ed) Sustainable Development Challenges in the Arab States of the Gulf (2016)
- "The Iranian Nuclear Deal: More Drops of Oil?" Wikistrat (August, 2015)
- "The Emerging Gulf Carbon Market" Petroleum Economist (April 2015)
- "Meeting the Gulf Energy Challenges for the 21st Century" Oxford Institute for Energy Studies (2014)
- "The Future is Past: Between 2014's Oil Prices and the Days of Yore" Al Arabiya (Dec. 24, 2014)
- Society of Petroleum Engineers: Economics of Steam Generation (Nov. 14, 2014)
- "The American Shale Gas Revolution and its Impact on the Global LNG Market" State of the Region Forum: Qatar Leadership Forum (Oct. 10, 2014)
- "Opening Up Pandora's Box: Cyber Security in the MENA Energy Sector" (English and Spanish) La Vanguardia (Oct. 5, 2014)
- "La seguridad cibernética abriendo la caja de Pandora en Oriente Medio y norte de África" (Spanish) La Vanguardia Dossier (Oct. 5, 2014)
- "Sparking Reform: Creating Dynamism in the Egyptian Energy Sector" Egypt Oil and Gas (Sept. 12, 2014)
- "The Gulf's Energy-Water Nexus: Discovering New Potentials" Al Arabiya (July 28, 2014)
- "Oil Policy Takes Center Stage in Iraq's Elections" Al Arabiya (April 10, 2014)
- Oil Production and Consumption Strategies for the UAE (Feb. 2014)
- "The Shale Gas Revolution : Implications for MENA and the UAE" (Oct. 2013)
- "MENA Faces Up to Carbon Challenge" Petroleum Economist (May 15, 2013)
- "Development and Industrialization in the Arabian Gulf Region" Harvard Journal of Middle East Politics and Policy (May 2013)
- "Putting Economic Sustainability First" (Apr. 2013)
- "North Korea: Playing Russia Roulette of the Nuclear Variety?" Fair Observer (May 1, 2013)
- "Cyber Assassins" Petroleum Economist (Jan. 24, 2013)
- "Why a Global Carbon Market is Coming Sooner Than You Think" Fair Observer (Jan. 14, 2013)
- "Iraq Poised for Key Role in Global Energy Sector" Oil and Gas Journal (2013)
- "Turkey's Economic Competitiveness and Energy Efficiency" Hurriyet (Dec. 4., 2012)
- "Energy As the Driver for Gulf Integration: The Gulf Power Grid" Middle East Economic Survey (Dec. 7, 2012)
- "Energy intensity: a Time Bomb for the Middle East?" Petroleum Economist (Nov. 2012).
- "The Coming Wave: Global Oil Price Volatility" Middle East Economic Survey (MEES) (Oct. 19, 2012)
- Global Energy and the Arab Spring Global Experts (May 2012).
- "Revolutions End When the Flags Gone Down, and Then What?" Al Arabiya (May 11, 2011)
- "A Carbon Solution for the Gulf's Energy Deficit." Petroleum Economist (November 4, 2010)
- "Addressing the UAE Natural Gas Crisis: Strategies for a Rational Energy Policy" Harvard University Dubai Initiative Policy Brief (August, 2010)
- "Changing Perceptions of Oil Markets and the Arab Spring." The Gulf Times (May 12, 2012)
- “Rebuilding Critical Energy Assets in Times of Disaster: Strategies for a Resilient System” Rebuilding Sustainable Communities After Disasters: Cambridge Scholars Press (ed. June 2009).
- "Investor-State Relations in the Chavez Age: The Nature of Resource Nationalism in the 21st Century" Harvard Kennedy School (May 2010)
- “Securing the Peace: The Battle Over Ethnicity and Energy in Modern Iraq” Dubai Initiative Working Paper (June 2009).
- "Saudi Arabia, UAE, Promote Energy From Sun and Wind" Oil and Gas Journal (March 2009).
- “The Dolphin Project: The Development of a Gulf Gas Initiative” Oxford Institute for Energy Studies Working Paper #22 (Jan. 2008).
On Natural Gas Geopolitics panel in Abu Dhabi with Dr. Hisham Al-Khatib Jordanian Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (fmr), Khalid Al-Awadi, Gas Operations Manager, Emarat, Huub van Haelen, Managing Director Global Gas Networks Initiative (GGNI). Chaired by, Ieda Gomes, Managing Director Energix Strategy Ltd. |